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Startup Gym

According to studies, there were more than 201,000 health and fitness clubs worldwide in 2017 and that number is still growing. With this in mind, starting your own gym could be a very lucrative business venture.

Unfortunately, while creating a startup gym may sound exciting, you will have some big decisions to make. One of these is choosing the right equipment.

To help you we’ve created this article. In it, we’ll tell you what machines to buy for your startup gym. Let’s get started…

A Training Bench

Training benches are easy to source and considerably more affordable than other large pieces of equipment. This versatile piece of equipment is great for a variety of different workouts and exercises, especially weight training.

When choosing your training bench, make sure to choose one that you can move from a flat to an inclined position. By choosing one that inclines, your customers will be able to perform a larger variety of exercises.

Moreover, consider the size of your gym. If you invest in a large space it may be worth buying more than one.


Dumbells are a must have in all gyms. When choosing the best set of dumbells for your gym, make sure to consider the:

  • Weight
  • Size
  • Material
  • Shape

You should go for sets that range from very light to very heavy so that everyone can use them. You should also choose sets that come with a rack so that you can save space in your gym.


Kettlebells are very much the same as dumbells. The key difference is that they activate a slightly different muscle group. These types of weights are particularly good for anyone wanting to work out their legs and glutes.

Similarly to dumbells, make sure to buy various weights so that everyone in your gym can use them. Kettlebells also come in different sizes and shapes.

A Pull-Up Bar

Pull up bars are simple pieces of equipment that are great for doing pull-ups. While they’re basic tools, you should invest in one made of sturdy and durable materials.

To save space, you could also go for one that comes with a squat rack. This could also save you some money in the long run.


One of the main reasons the fitness industry is booming is because there are various budget-friendly gyms available to choose from. And, they can offer these affordable memberships because buying equipment no longer costs a fortune.

Today, you can buy larger and more expensive pieces of equipment, like treadmills, at a discounted price. In fact, you can buy various refurbished treadmills for very little compared to brand new ones.

When choosing treadmills for your startup gym, make sure to look for models that have various:

  • Speeds
  • Inclines
  • Modes

You should also buy treadmills that provide heart rate monitoring. These features are important because people don’t only use treadmills for running. They also use them for walking and power walking.

Stationary Bicycles

Exercise bikes are a great alternative to treadmills for many gym users. They’re not as tough on the joints while still offering users a great cardiovascular workout.

This low impact machine also offers a great leg workout. But, it’s worth mentioning that there are plenty of different stationary exercise bikes to choose from. Some of these include:

  • Spinning bikes
  • Recumbent bikes
  • Upright bikes

We recommend you buy a selection of bikes in order to meet your clientele’s needs. Moreover, go for models that allow users to change the intensity and choose between different settings.


Ellipticals are another great low-impact alternative to running machines. Better yet, these machines offer a full body workout. However, there are various models to choose from.

The key to choosing the best elliptical machines is to go for a model that comes with:

  • Different levels of intensity
  • A heart rate monitor
  • Various training modes

Refurbished ellipticals cost anywhere between $1,000 and $5,000 depending on the model you go for. If you buy ellipticals, make sure to go for more than one so that there isn’t a queue of people waiting to use the equipment.

Rowing Machine

Rowing machines offer a full-body workout and are great for increasing cardio. Unlike running machines and bicycles, these pieces of equipment engage the:

  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Abdominals
  • Back muscles
  • Shoulders

Rowing machines allow people to burn a ton of calories while also being low-impact. These machines are great for athletes needing to do speed training. They’re a great way to train for short but intense bursts of exercise.

When choosing rowing machines for your startup gym, make sure to buy at least two if you have space. Also, go for a model that allows users to change the intensity.

Exercise Ball

Exercise balls are simple, yet effective workout accessories that are great for different types of routines. These balls are especially useful for core strengthening.

Moreover, you can perform exercises like the following for an extra challenge:

  • Bicep curls
  • Dead bugs
  • Chest presses
  • Plank knee tucks

Also known as a fitness ball, this accessory is a must-have for all gym owners.

Other Accessories

Aside from all the larger pieces of gym equipment listed above, you should also consider buying accessories. These should include:

  • Bands
  • Tubes
  • Mats
  • Wooden bars
  • Ab wheels

All of these accessories are especially good for stretching and rehabilitation. They’re also great for strengthening the core, arms, and legs.

Get More Tips for Your Startup Gym From Gym Pros

The key to creating the best startup gym is to consider your budget, space and, of course, your audience. Aside from choosing the right equipment, you also need to layout your room in a way that will make sense to your clientele.

Moreover, remember to keep your insurance up-to-date and add some special touches to your gym. This will ensure that your customers continue coming back for more. These can come in the form of cold, filtered water or a free towel when they sign up.

In the meantime, if you’d like more tips on choosing the best equipment for your gym, contact Gym Pros today. We can help you find some great deals on the highest quality equipment available today.

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