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Precor are innovators when it comes to superior quality gym equipment with zero impact. Leaving no stone unturned they are constantly developing new ways to get fit and exercise.

Ever heard of or better yet, experienced the adaptive motion trainer by Precor? This unique machine is similar to an elliptical trainer but adds a totally new dynamic into the mix.  There are several models including the AMT 100i and Precor AMT 885.

It compromises of two moving pedals and handles which move together in unison.  This simulates a “running with resistance” type of motion but there is zero impact which is even better if you have ailments from training or previous injuries.

precor amt machine workout

What’s magic about the AMT is that it actually adjusts to suit your personal mobility (or motion).  There’s no need to alter lots of settings on the control panel for this because you can seamlessly switch it up with short strides, medium strides, long strides, climbing strides and even backwards strides; it’ll adapt and change with you.

The huge benefit of the ATM is that it’s ideal for beginners, intermediate and advanced trainers. Because it’s very low impact on the joints you can mimic running movements, even when running may have been something completely out of the question for you previously.

Let the AMT machine help you achieve all your cardio fitness and weight loss goals with the below workouts.

25-minute AMT workout for beginners

If this is your first time on an AMT you are going to love it. If your goal is to achieve weight loss then try to complete this workout at least twice each week.

5 minute warm up: Choose levels 1-2 for your warm up. Take steady strides for 5 minutes to warm up your muscles and activate all your joints.

10-minute wide strides: Choose levels 3-4 and pull firmly on the handles as you take wide strides. Stride as wide as you possibly can. This will allow you to target a larger area of your legs including your inner and outer thighs as well as your quads, glutes and hamstrings.

10-minute stepping: Choose level 5 to add more resistance to the workout. This time you are bringing your feet close together and raising your heels to then push down like you are jogging on the spot. Hold the handles still so they aren’t moving. Doing this will target your calves more and further mix up the workout.

Always complete a 5-minute cool down after the routine to bring your heart rate back down.

35-minute AMT workout for intermediates

If you aren’t new to the AMT then you might want to try this intermediate workout to burn some calories and increase your fitness levels.

5 minute warm up: Choose levels 1-2 for your warm up. Take steady strides for 5 minutes to warm up your muscles and activate all your joints.

10-minute short strides: Choose level 4-5 and begin with shorter strides. Make sure you pull nice and hard on the handles so you are working your upper and lower body.

 10-minute climb: Using levels 5-6 use the climb mode on the Precor AMT to really pre-exhaust your muscles. Push yourself on this one; if it’s too easy then take the level up.

10-minute wide strides: Choose levels 5-6 pulling firmly on the handles as you take wide strides. Stride as wide as you possibly can. This will allow you to target a larger area of your legs including your inner and outer thighs as well as your quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Complete a 5-minute cool down after the routine to bring your heart rate back down.

45-minute AMT boot camp style workout!

Incorporating everything you have learned above, are you ready to crank up the intensity of your AMT workouts? This boot camp style workout is a little different to the intermediate and beginners workout.

5 minute warm up: Choose levels 1-2 for your warm up. It’s still crucial to warm up all your joints.

1-minute steady wide-strides – level 7

 1-minute sprintlevel 8 (whichever stride you prefer for sprints)

1-minute steady wide strides – level 7

 1-minute-sprint – level 8

 1-minute steady wide strides – level 7

 1-minute sprint – level 8

 1-minute steady wide strides  – level 7

 1-minute sprint – level 8

 1-minute steady wide strides – level 7

 1-minute sprint – – level 7

 10 – minutes steppingLevel 7-8 keep arms still holding handles

10-minutes joggingLevel 9 do your best to mimic the jogging motion and ensure your arms are working just as hard as your legs.

5 – minute reverse stridesLevel 7 – Using your legs and arms equally stride backwards.

5 – minutes wide stridesLevel 10-12

Complete a 5-minute cool down after the routine to bring your heart rate back down.

If you are either looking for a new way to utilize your Precor or potentially create a precor gym equipment package Gym Pros can help.

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